Lose Weight Fast In No Time!
12 Week Accelerated Medical Weight Loss Program
$650 for All-Inclusive Package (Current Special!)
(50% Savings of $650)
This is a medically supervised weight loss program that utilizes a ketogenic very low calorie nutrition plan, an individualized exercise plan, behavioral modification, weight loss injections, and medications when appropriate. The program is comprised of weekly weigh-ins for weight and body mass index determination, weight loss injections, blood pressure check, and review of food and exercise diary.
- Initial medical history & physical exam: $150
- Post program exam: $100
- Weekly weigh-ins (Total of 10): $300
- All natural weekly weight loss injections (Total of 12): $300
- Body composition scan (pre & post): $300
- Electrocardiogram: $50
- Lab profile and blood draw: $100
- Unlimited email access to physician: Variable
Total Value at: $1300
Get Started Today!
10521 Mission Road
Leawood, KS
P: 913.324.5007