Be A Part Of A New Revolution In Medicine...Be A Part Of Change
6:57 PM Posted by exclusiveMD

6:57 PM Posted by exclusiveMD
Be A Part Of A New Revolution In Medicine...Be A Part Of Change
Copyright 2009. All Rights Reserved. Revolution Two Lifestyle theme by Brian Gardner. BlogspotMagazine by MagzNetwork
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thanks for posting this short but important clip. Agree completely! People don't need more data, they need to know how to interpret the data and have someone walk with them on their quest for Optimal Health. Two thumbs up Dr. Mike!
Lucy DelSarto, WEC
TCOY Wellness
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Dr. Mike, you bring out the same issue I've been harping on as well! I keep asking folks, "How is reforming the health insurance industry going to effectively decrease the cost of health care services?" So far, no good answers.
The most recent attempt at this was the resurgence of HMO's and PPO's which have only served to (as you point out in another posting here) decrease the number of physicians willing to practice family medicine. Any time "supply" decreases in a market, price will increase. Now the "demand" will be drastically increased only to drive up costs or decrease supply even further.
I could not agree with you more! It is time that the physicians and patients reclaim the mindset and understanding that insurance administrators can only tell them what THEY will pay for and the patient, with THEIR physician must agree on the treatment is needed and how and WHEN it WILL be provided to THE PATIENT!!!
Return focus and control of health care to the patient and not the payor system.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Steve, I definitely agree with you. With the new health care bill passed, this new direction may be slightly more difficult. Only time will tell. Continue to work towards what you believe.