Check out this recent video featuring myself and contestant Kurt Kloeblen where we talk about my current involvement with the Kansas City Weight Loss Challenge. We are currently in round 5 of this weight loss challenge which is structured similarly to the show "The Biggest Loser." All the contestants are battling it out over 12 weeks with the help of local trainers and nutritionists to help them win. My role for my first challenge is to provide a medical assessment pre-competition and to serve as a general resource for nutrition and health throughout the contest. Thankfully, due to our friends at Any Lab Test Now!, all of the contestants were given a free lab screening pre and post to see how their weight has truly affected their health. Any Lab Test Now! is a medical lab testing facility in Lee's Summit, MO that gives consumers direct access to be able to get their own labs without a doctor's order thus making this process more affordable and convenient ( Every few weeks there will be video streamed through facebook giving updates on the contest so stay tuned! Good luck to all the contestants!

Doctor Offers Help in Weight Loss Challenge
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