HSAs and Choice
2:46 PM Posted by exclusiveMD
I read about this fascinating story below about the ability to be in control of your health care.
For the first time in my life, I don’t have Dental Insurance.
I do, however, have an HSA which can be used for all dental-related expenses.
Today, I went to my 6 month dentist appointment. At the start, they wanted to give me my yearly x-ray, and so — now that I’m in control of my medical expenses — I questioned the necessity of them.
In the end I decided to spring for the extra $50 and get the x-rays done. But it was my choice, since it was my expense (I wouldn’t have questioned it if I knew my insurance was paying for them regardless).
As it turned out, I have a cavity on one of my back teeth (floss, people!) which they wouldn’t have found without the x-ray. If they wouldn’t have found it, over the next months it would have gotten worse, and then my problems — and personal expenses — would have gotten much worse.
I don’t know what it means — and I certainly don’t know if there are any implications for the current Health Care debate — but this experience was very empowering for me. I got to make a decision about my health expenses and in the end, I win.
I’ve also recently switched to a high deductible plan with an HSA. I’ve found it similarly empowering. It’s a wonderful thing. I can’t help but think that this is the way healthcare should work. (via innonate)
I am a big supporter of High Deductible Insurance Plans with HSAs (Health Savings Accounts). I will post more about these plans in the future to help people understand how to save money and at the same time receive better care. Its a win-win for everyone. The unfortunate truth is that Obama's Health Care Reform plans on banning HSAs and even further removing patients from the true cost of medical care.

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