Think twice about tanning beds
8:43 AM Posted by exclusiveMD
A new analysis of about 20 studies concludes the risk of skin cancer jumps by 75% when people start using tanning beds before age 30....In Britain, melanoma, the deadliest kind of skin cancer, is now the leading cancer diagnosed in women in their 20s. Normally, skin cancer rates are highest in people over 75.I have no problem with everyone wanting to be tan but there are so many other new alternatives like self tanning lotions, and spray "Mystic" tan that carry no risk of skin cancer. These options may be more expensive up front but the pain, suffering, and expense of a melanoma is far worse.
By the way, if you go to your local tanning salon and they try to sell you on tanning beds claiming benefits in increasing Vitamin D levels, just know that your probably received the same benefit in your drive over to the salon before you even got there.

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